Beyond Quantum computer
Quantum computer
Conventional quantum computers use bits and electronics we use microwave input and optical output, both input and output are wireless processes. The computer operates in the room temperature and no need to train or write algorithm.
Robot scientist
A scientist discovers invariants to link variables. For example, Einstein linked m and E using velocity of light C, now imagine a computer that identifies the variables in any unknown data, measures the variables, identifies the invariants and network of invariants. This is a possible robot scientist who could win a Nobel prize one day.
Beyond quantum
In the 1800, quaternion and octonion were invented, now, we have redefined the concept of dimension and created another 12D computer using dodecanion algebra where it would be possible to simulate the whole universe in a computer not just a single molecule as we did in a quantum computer.
Algorithm generator
Thus far, a human used to write code, when big data changes rapidly, then conventional quantum and classical computers would not work, because who would write the code, using beyond quantum computers we could generate algorithm writer that would make algorithm for an accurate computation.